Met the artist!

Today, I finally met with the make up artist (and the hairdresser)! Oma Gloria, she is in the same church as my family, nice lady in her fifties. We talked about many things and she explained about her make up techniques (and many other things). I immediately liked her! So, she shall be the make up artist and the hairdresser on my wedding day.
Another thing is sorted out! :)

With that sorted out, that means I will have to start my facial treatment soon with her. Her house is quite far, luckily I just have to have the treatment approximately twice a month, so should not be a problem.

Also, just now, I received a good news from Lan. He is receiving a 500 pounds blessing! Praise the Lord! I am really praying that things will go according to Lord's plan (so far it is, also sometimes the evil ones try to snatch the joy and happiness that The Lord puts in our hearts).
So, whoever is reading this, please help in prayers for our wedding.

God bless you all!


Meechan said...

mulai spa pre wedding nih ye

I'm happy for you sis
ver very happy

tangan tuhan tak pernah terlambat ya

Anonymous said...

suit suit.. tambah asyik nih britanya:D btw, aku suka model hiasan rambut yang kek digambar sher.. bisa dicoba tuh sher;) kapan test makeupnya?


nie said...

mee chan: ga pake spa pre wedding koq, cuma facial ajah... ga punya duitnya sista hihihihi....

anita: test make upnya tunggu bajunya dateng, soalnya model rambut mau disesuaiin sama bajunya. jadi nti kalo baju dah dateng, dicoba pake di depan yang make up-in n penjahit (in case mesti dipermak, etc). trus baru deh ntar diusulin model rambut gimana, makeupnya gimana. model rambut itu senengannya si lan tuh ;))